This is the residence of an artist, a non-conformist, bold and multi-faceted personality that reflects the interiors in sublime ways. The non-conforming features, the audacious bold colour template, the rich tapestry and textile display with a cadence of artwork on the floor and up on the walls; threaded by a wooden stairwell that acts as trunk holding the various spaces together that opens the house to new views and vistas at every level. The exterior fuses into interiors seamlessly, whether they are private or public areas of the house. Trees, greens and water act as screens and walls to this open plan of a house that defies the norms of built walls and roofs.

The robust use of colours, the splendid art collection, the rich upholstery and fabric, the collections amassed from extensive travel, adds a bohemian character to the house that pays resplendent homage towards its inhabitants. The experimental nuances have added further individual streaks; the love for rare and unique expressions has translated itself into a residence that is in complete harmony with its surroundings, nature and occupants. The warmth and energy infused with serenity is directly perceived from the interiors and personalised settings, architecture takes a back stage yet slowly unravels the character of the place at every level with profound delight.

The design aimed to create a serene and inspiring home for the artist and her only daughter, goes a step further in creating a designer’s piece for an artist that one can relate to instantly. Their vast art and craft collection, eclectic vintage home furniture and passion for outdoor green spaces are knitted coherently through architecture that not only acts as a canvas to the elemental interiors supported by the natural, simplistic material palette handled creatively with rich patinas on the walls, floors, metal and wooden features, on a neutral flooring of grey stone, white marble and wooden details all around. The residence does not follow a genre or period, instead is a timeless journey that will further grow with its inhabitants.


Excerpt from the book Interior design of Pakistan (2015) by Maria Aslam